Perhaps while tracking or checking your FedEx package delivery status, you see a message that says “Indirect Signature Required.” What does this message mean?
The FedEx “Indirect Signature Required” message means FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address or somebody nearby, like a neighbor or the building manager.
To be sure that your package will still be released even if there is no one present at the address, you can also choose the FedEx Door Tag option. This option authorizes the release of the package without anyone present.
Read on to learn more about the meaning of the “Indirect Signature Required” FedEx message and how it works.
Indirect Signature Required – FedEx
The message Indirect Signature Required on FedEx tracking means FedEx obtains a signature from someone at or nearby the delivery address. This person can be a building manager, a neighbor next to you, or someone at a neighboring address.
The recipient can also choose to leave a FedEx Door Tag, which authorizes the package’s release without anyone being present. If the sender chooses this option, then a nearby neighbor may sign for it.
If there is nobody available to receive the recipient’s package, you as a recipient can sign it electronically through the FedEx Delivery Manager. But this option is not available when an adult direct signature is required.
You can also leave a note for FedEx’s indirect signature. This means you can leave a signed note for the delivery person. In turn, they can use it as proof that they’ve done their job and delivered the package.
But you should also note that it’s within FedEx’s sole discretion if they will allow the package to be released without any signature.
Requirements for the FedEx Indirect Signature
Typically, FedEx will not require a signature for package deliveries. FedEx will only ask for it when the sender chooses this option.
As for different types of shipment deliveries, FedEx requires the signing of the package. These include the following:
- High-value packaged items,
- Firearms,
- Hazardous chemicals
- Authorized allowed alcohol shipments,
- Dangerous goods, and
- Pharmaceuticals.
You can provide an indirect signature in several ways.
Dog Tag
The most common way is when the delivery driver makes their first attempt, and no one is there to receive the package.
The driver will leave a door tag with space at the bottom where you can sign the recipient. The driver will then retrieve the door tag the next day, and if they see that you already signed it, they will leave the package.
Signature Release Form
When you purchase order online, you also have to print out a “Signature Release Form” from the delivery service’s site. Next, sign this form and leave it at your door.
Once the driver sees this form pasted on your door, even if there’s nobody there at your home, he will leave the package since they already have permission to do so. The driver will take the signed form with him to prove that you have allowed him to leave the package at your door.
FedEx Delivery Attempts
If the FedEx delivery driver attempted to deliver the package and no one was there to sign and receive it, they would leave a door tag at the recipient’s door. Usually, the driver will try a maximum of three attempts to deliver the package.
However, if the delivery man applied a label to the dog tag, this means:
- You haven’t signed the tag yet; and
- They felt that it was unsafe to deliver the package.
If the second case is true, they won’t be delivering your package to your place.
Instead, they will take it to a FedEx location near your place until you can pick it up. The label on the back of the door tag will contain the address of the pickup location and the business time and hours you will be able to pick it up.
You need to present this dog tag and a photo ID issued to you by the government for the package’s release.
If You’re Not There to Receive the Goods
Typically, FedEx requires a signature on all goods that they deliver. This is their service standard. However, they can flex this standard in certain circumstances, such as when the recipient or sender requests the package’s release without a signature.
Aside from the methods I mentioned earlier, you can also do the following to provide your delivery service with an Indirect Signature:
- Electronically sign for the package on your computer or phone if the required signature is an indirect signature. But you cannot use electronic signatures on shipments that require a direct or an adult signature;
- Re-schedule the delivery time or re-direct your package to a different location. You have to pay a fee for this option; and
- You can re-route your package to your chosen FedEx location for a maximum of 14 days without any cost.
If you know a secure place or address where the courier can safely leave your package, you can provide FedEx a signed confirmation that gives the delivery driver authority to leave your item there.
Depending on your type of shipment, FedEx will only fulfill your request if it deems it safe. Otherwise, it will do everything possible to ensure the safe delivery of your shipment.
Signature Options Allowed by FedEx
Aside from Indirect Signature Required, FedEx also offers other signature options to its customers. Moreover, there are other available options that you may want to use in the future. These options are available under FedEx’s “Special Services” section.
FedEx designed these to give a positive customer experience and cater to their customers’ unique delivery needs.
1. Indirect Signature Required (ISR)
With the FedEx “Indirect Signature Required” option, FedEx will only release the package any of the following is satisfied:
- Where available, asking authorization from the recipient to release the package without anyone present;
- Obtaining a signature from a neighbor, the building manager, or other persons living nearby; and
- Acquiring a signature from a person at the delivery address.
Thus, if you’re not at ease in authorizing an Indirect Signature Required – FedEx, then you should check out your other options below.
2. No Signature Required (NSR)
This option allows the FedEx delivery driver to release the package without the presence of anyone. FedEx will still try to obtain a signature at the delivery address. If nobody can sign, FedEx may choose to leave the package in a safe place even without getting a signature.
However, this option may not be accessible for all shipments and to all destinations. The FedEx Service Guide has more to say on this.
3. Adult Signature Required (ASR)
This option allows the FedEx delivery driver to obtain a signature from a person at the delivery address who is an adult or not a minor anymore. You also have to provide a photo identification issued by the government or other ID commonly accepted by local authorities.
If there is no one eligible at the address of the recipient, FedEx may reattempt delivery. U.S. recipients must be 21 years old and should present a photo identification issued by the U.S. government.
4. Direct Signature Required (DSR)
FedEx delivery man will require a person from the delivery address to accomplish a delivery form.
If no one is present, FedEx may reattempt the delivery. These deliveries are made to the address indicated on the mailing label. They are not delivered to individual recipients.
5. Covid-19: Signature Required Suspension
This option is temporarily suspended for the majority of deliveries in the United States and Canada. Physical signatures are not required for FedEx Ground and FedEx Express shipments, except if they require an adult signature.
Again, what does Indirect Signature Required mean? FedEx’s Indirect Signature Required message means FedEx obtains a signature from someone at or nearby the delivery address. This person can be a neighbor, building manager, or someone at a neighboring address.
Signature Proof of Delivery – Things You Need to Know
After your package is delivered successfully and the delivery form is signed, the signature will be displayed under the Shipment Status chevron at the time of your login. It will be matched to the secured tracking. This applies to FedEx Ground and FedEx Express shipments.
You have to know some things about signature proof of delivery while you are tracking your delivered shipment.
Difference Between Signature Proof of Delivery and Tracking
To check the status of your shipment, use tracking at any time within 90 days after the delivery of your item. If the signature is available, you will be able to get a picture of the recipient’s signature by using the signature proof of delivery after delivering the shipment.
Multiple Requests for Signature of Delivery Letters
If you need to, you can ask for a maximum of 30 signature proof of delivery request letters at once:
- Take note that the fax option is not available for several signature proofs of delivery letters;
- Signature proof of delivery letters with several requests may require several minutes to process; and
- Signature proof of delivery letters will be available automatically only for completed, delivered shipments. In-transit shipments will not be displayed until after they are successfully delivered.
Data Availability of Signature Proof of Delivery
The signature proof of delivery is available for a maximum of 18 months for FedEx Ground Shipments and FedEx Express and 2 years for FedEx Freight shipments. This document includes the image of the signature and any relevant shipment information.
The image and information may not be displayed in all countries. If this is the case in your country, it will be indicated on the signature proof of delivery.
Detailed Signature Proof of Delivery
You can get a signature proof of delivery letter with all the relevant details by logging into or giving the 9-digit FedEx account number.
If the login or the account number matches the shipment’s payer or sender, the detailed signature proof of delivery information will be shown on the screen.
The information will include the complete contact name, company name, street address, city, state/province, ZIP code, and country information for both the recipient and the shipper (if available).
If you are paying for the shipment, you will see the shipment charges as well. The image of the signature and the extra information may not be available in some countries. If not available, it will be indicated in the signature proof of delivery letter.
Summary Signature Proof of Delivery
You can also get a signature proof of delivery letter with summary information even if you didn’t provide the 9-digit FedEx payer or shipper account number.
But the information on the letter that you will get will be limited to just the city, state/province, and country information for the recipient and the shipper.
The signature image may not also be displayed in certain countries. If not available, you will be informed in the delivery letter.
No Signature Found
Even if there is no signature, you can still view and print, email, and fax the delivery proof’s available information. You can always go back later and check if there is a signature.
After seven working days and there is still no signature found, you can call FedEx customer service. Note that the signature may not be available if the shipper or recipient signs a signature release agreement.
Conclusion: FedEx Indirect Signature Required
The FedEx Indirect Signature Required message means that FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at or nearby the delivery address indicated on the package. That person could be a neighbor or the building manager.
The recipient of the addressee is written on the package and can authorize the item’s release without anyone present.
Normally, if there is no one at home to receive the package, the delivery driver will leave a door tag. The door tag proves that they tried to deliver the package, but no one was around to receive it. The “Indirect Signature Required” FedEx message is one solution to this predicament.