If someone tells you that they are thinking of you, it can be tricky to know how to respond. How to respond to “thinking of you”?
When someone tells you that they are thinking of you, it is usually best to say thank you. After saying thank you, you can say, “I’m thinking of you too,” or you can say, “I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable.”
The three best ways to respond to “thinking of you” are as follows:
- Thank you.
- I’m thinking of you too.
- Thank you, but I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable.
Your relationship with the sender or the speaker of the message dictates how you respond to the statement. Aside from the three responses, there are hundreds of ways to respond to “thinking of you.” People are unique, and each has a different approach to statements that they would like to hear or not.
Read on to learn more about how to respond to “thinking of you” text or in-person.
How to Respond to Thinking of You
When someone tells you that they are thinking of you, it is usually best to say “thank you” back. After saying thank you, you can say, “I’m thinking of you too,” or you can say, “I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable.”
We are all social beings, and communicating is one way of expressing ourselves and letting our emotions show. However, it would help if you communicated correctly to voice your true feelings, so you will not be misunderstood by your message’s receiver.
Likewise, you also have to understand correctly the messages that people send to you to prevent misunderstandings.
When people say, “Thinking of you,” there are various messages they want to convey. These may be any of the following meanings:
- “Thinking of you because you’re precious to me.”
- “Thinking of you because I hate or dislike you.”
- “Thinking of you because we have important things to do.”
- “Thinking of you because an event reminded me of you.”
- “Thinking of you because I miss you.”
These are some of the reasons why a person would say, “I’m thinking of you.”
Based on your relationship with the individual, you could use the following responses when dealing with ‘thinking of you’ statements. Choose the statement that adequately conveys your thoughts.

How to Respond to “Thinking of You,” When You like the Person?
When you like the person, below are ways to respond to “thinking of you.”
1. “Thank You.”
When the person is someone you know and like, you wouldn’t want to disrespect the person; so you can say, “thank you.” This response is the safest way to acknowledge the sender’s or speaker’s thoughts.
When you say “thank you,” you’re saying that you’re grateful for the attention. When you say, ‘thank you”, it shows that you know your self-worth and are not insecure about it.
When you learn to acknowledge praise or attention from other people, you’re self-confident that you’re worthy of other people’s praise.
Generally, people who say they’re ‘thinking of you” are stating a positive message that you matter to them. So, saying thank you is the least that you could do.
2. “I’m Thinking of You Too.”
If the statement came from a friend, you could say: “I was thinking of you too and remembered our funny escapades,” or something to that effect. You say this statement to let your friends know that they matter to you too. You could also say to a friend:
- “That makes two of us. I was thinking of you too.”
- “Same here; right now thinking of you too.”
- “I’m thinking of you too and all the memories we had together.”
These statements welcome the other person into your world. They clearly say what you feel, that you like that individual.
3. “How Do You Know I Wanted to Hear Those Words so Much?”
You can reply with this statement when you’re close enough to your friend. You could also use this response for people you like and love. This signifies a more profound relationship of understanding and love.
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How to Respond to “Thinking of You,” When You Don’t Like the Person?
It may be uncomfortable to respond to people who say they’re thinking of you when you don’t like them. Nevertheless, it’s respectful to respond, especially if you’re acquainted with those individuals.
Below are different ways to respond to “thinking of you” when you don’t like the person or are not comfortable being with them.
1. “Thank You.”
This is a standard response, whether you like the person or not. You don’t want to be rude to other people even if you dislike them. This is because your behavior reflects how well-bred or ill-bred you are. Behave respectfully, and people will respect you.
Don’t smile broadly when saying this, as the person may misconstrue that you’re welcoming the statement. You may give the nod after stating your response and leave quietly.
2. “Thank You, But I Wasn’t Thinking of You.”
You could also be direct but still respectful when the person turns persistent. This statement clearly says that you don’t share the same thoughts, and thus, you’re putting a demarcation line between you two.
This declaration can be harsh, so say it calmly without raising your voice or making faces. These mannerisms can add insult to injury and would embarrass the person. Remember, this cliché is true: “It’s not what you say that hurts, but it’s how you say it.”
3. “Thank You for Thinking about Me, but I’m Sorry, You’re Making Me Uncomfortable.”
The above statement tells the person speaking or sending the message to stop because you don’t want it. The declaration also denotes that you don’t like the person. Unless the individual is dense, the person will surely get what you mean.

4. “I Know You Mean Well, but This Is Unpleasant for Me.”
You can drop a hint or two that you don’t welcome the person’s advances. If you’re speaking directly to the person, speak in a serious but gentle manner. Don’t smile or laugh while saying it, as this could be misconstrued as mockery. Look at the person’s eyes and say it sotto voce.
After saying it calmly, exit gracefully and confidently. Don’t engage in further conversation, as the person may react inappropriately, and you might get the brunt of the person’s ill feelings.
Nonetheless, you don’t have to pout, too, when you’re saying it. Present a neutral face and say what you need to say, and then excuse yourself.
Texting back is better because you don’t have to show your discomfort. After you’ve said your piece, don’t reply anymore to the person’s text messages. This would make your message clear.
Now that we’ve answered the questions “How to respond to thinking of you text?” when you like and don’t like the person; Next, let’s learn how you can respond to these sentences when this comes from the person you love.
How to Respond to “Thinking of You” When You Love the Person?
Most of the responses for a person you love are the same as the responses you would give to a friend or to a person you like. These responses would also apply when responding to family members.
However, adding a word of endearment to the statements could lend a romantic ring to it (for your lover) or a sense of belonging (for your family members).
Below are ways to respond to “thinking of you” if you love the person.
1. “I’m Thinking of You Too.”
When lovers or family members declare they’re thinking of you, this statement signifies that they’re missing you. Hence, when you’re missing the person, as well, you can say: “I’m Thinking of You Too.”
You may want to be romantic and add words of endearment, such as: “Honey, I’m thinking of you too, and can’t wait to be with you,” or “Dearie, I’m thinking of you as well, and I miss you,” to a family member.
2. “That Makes Two of Us, Sweetie. I Was Thinking of You Too.”
You can use this loving tone and response to your sweetheart or a family member. This is one heartwarming way to declare that you have the same feelings for each other and that you welcome the attention.
3. “Same Here Honey; Right Now Thinking of You Too.”
This response expresses the same emotions as statement #2. You’re telling the speaker or sender that the feeling is mutual. If you’re saying this to a mere acquaintance, you’re giving the message that you’re interested in the person romantically. You gave the green light for the person to advance further into your relationship. Thus, never say this when you don’t mean it.
4. “I’m Thinking of You Too Dear and All the Precious Memories We Had Together.”
If you’re responding to your partner in life, you may want to be naughty and remind your lover of the romantic or ‘sizzling’ times you were together. Of course, this only applies to your better half in life. Injecting some humor into your replies could enliven the day, too, and would surely make your spouse smile and be happy.
5. “Love, How Do You Know I Wanted to Hear Those Words so Much?”
You can reply with this statement when you’re responding to your sweetheart. The way you say it would also matter. So, say it sincerely and with love. But more so, express your thoughts in actions more than words.
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How to Respond to “Thinking of You” When Unsure of the Person’s Intentions?
How to respond to I’ve been thinking about you when you’re unsure whether the person is dishing out a compliment or not? In these cases, a simple “thank you” is enough.
Adhere to the adage: “Lesser words spoken; lesser mistakes.” The person’s next response would give you a clue as to the person’s genuine intentions. If the individual follows up the first statement with endearing terms, this means the person likes you and probably wants to get to know you better.
If the person stops there, you have to conclude that it was just an ordinary greeting or statement.
Tips on How to Respond to Thinking of You
1. Don’t Respond to Strangers
How to respond to “I’m thinking of you”? If it’s in a text form and you don’t know the sender, don’t respond. If a stranger said it in person, don’t respond as well. You don’t know him, so you have no obligation to respond. If the person wants to be acknowledged, introductions are in order.
2. Don’t Say More than You Should
Say what you have to say, and that’s it. Don’t attempt to say more, as this may derail what you have already said. For communication to be successful, both the sender and the receiver should use the same ‘language.’ No matter what you say, if you’re talking to a ‘stranger,’ you won’t be understood.
3. Understand What the Person Is Truly Saying Before Responding
Listen carefully and observe the person’s facial expression and body language before responding to the “thinking of you” statements. What’s the person genuinely saying? Was it expressed in rancor, love, or friendship?
Knowing what the person truly means would allow you to respond correctly. However, be cautious not to read too much in the statement, as it may mean nothing to the person.
4. When in Doubt, Stay Neutral
When in doubt about the other person’s intentions, maintain a neutral stance. You don’t show your emotions, whether it’s like or dislike. This will allow you to process the information later on when you get more clues and information about why the person said it. It’s better to be cautious than sorry.
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Conclusion – How to Respond to Thinking of You Text?
When someone says they are thinking of you, a safe response is thank you. Then, if you like the person, you can follow up with, “I’m thinking of you too.” If you don’t like the person, you can say, “I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable.”
The response could vary depending on your relationship with the person who said it. There are ways on how you should respond when someone says they’re thinking of you.
Three of the best ways to respond when someone says they are thinking of you are as follows:
- Thank you.
- I’m thinking of you too.
- Thank you for thinking about me, but I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable.
Each individual has a different response that may not be on the list. The response “Thank you” is a standard and neutral reply, while “I’m thinking of you too” is a friendly and welcoming response.
On the other hand, “Thank you for thinking about me, but I’m sorry, you’re making me uncomfortable” is a negative response.
However you decide to respond, make sure you are confident about it. Say it with flair and feel good that you were able to express yourself clearly and decisively.
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